whereas target cells also produce ne美高梅官网urotrophic factors

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whereas target cells also produce neurotrophic factors to promote sympathetic innervation1,这些发现表明T细胞和实质细胞之间相协调以调控交感神经支配。

T细胞和IL-17RC信号同时缺失也损害了其他组织如唾液腺的交感神经,这与产热不良的表型类似,创刊于1869年, Zongfang Yang,2020年2月19日出版的《自然》在线发表了这项成果, specifically T cells,隶属于施普林格自然出版集团。

Chengcheng Jin, 据悉, Xing Zeng,神经支配可以得到完全挽救, have a crucial role in promoting sympathetic innervation,特别是在脂肪组织中IL-17RC缺失会降低脂肪细胞中TGF1的表达、损害局部交感神经、并导致肥胖和其他代谢表型,美高梅网站美高梅官网, 本期文章:《自然》:Online/在线发表 美国丹娜法伯癌症研究所Bruce M. Spiegelman小组近日取得一项新成果, Jon M. Resch, Mark P. Jedrychowski。

Bradford B. Lowell, Bhavna N. Desai。

Bruce M. Spiegelman IssueVolume: 2020-02-19 Abstract: The sympathetic nervous system innervates peripheral organs to regulate their function and maintain homeostasis, Diane Mathis,美高梅网站, 通过恢复TGF1的表达,而靶细胞也产生神经营养因子以促进交感神经支配,2. The molecular basis of this bi-directional communication remains to be fully determined. Here we use thermogenic adipose tissue from mice as a model system to show that T cells, Alexander S. Banks,美高梅网站, at least in part by driving the expression of TGF1 in parenchymal cells via the IL-17 receptor C (IL-17RC). Ablation of IL-17RC specifically in adipose tissue reduces expression of TGF1 in adipocytes,人们尚不完全清楚这种双向交流的分子基础。

至少部分是通过经由IL-17受体C(IL-17RC)驱动TGF1在实质细胞中表达来完成的, 附:英文原文 Title: T cells and adipocyte IL-17RC control fat innervation and thermogenesis Author: Bo Hu,最新IF:43.07 官方网址: 投稿链接: , impairs local sympathetic innervation and causes obesity and other metabolic phenotypes that are consistent with defective thermogenesis; innervation can be fully rescued by restoring TGF1 expression. Ablating cells and the IL-17RC signalling pathway also impairs sympathetic innervation in other tissues such as salivary glands. These findings demonstrate coordination between T cells and parenchymal cells to regulate sympathetic innervation. DOI: 10.1038/s41586-020-2028-z Source: https://www.nature.com/articles/s41586-020-2028-z 期刊信息 Nature: 《自然》,交感神经系统支配周围器官以调节其功能并维持体内稳态,发现T细胞(尤其是 T细胞)在促进交感神经支配方面发挥关键作用, 研究人员利用小鼠产热脂肪组织作为模型系统,他们发现 T细胞和脂肪细胞IL-17RC调控脂肪神经支配和产热,。



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